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Please note that all Applications submitted for review are not an automatic indication that your child is a candidate for enrolment at Amedeo College. The Amedeo Admissions Department will contact you once all steps are completed as per below. Upon receipt of your online application and proof of payment, your child will automatically be added to our waiting list. Our admissions department will be in contact with you to discuss your application.

Amedeo Admissions Explained


Call us at 011 202 5503 to request an application form or download the application form from link below.


Email the completed application form to, along with any supporting documentation you may have (i.e. Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychological or School reports)


Make a payment of R1 200.00 which is a non-refundable administrative fee by electronic transfer to:

Amedeo College, Sandton.

First National Bank

Account No: 6292 737 0536

Branch No: 210636

Reference: your child’s full name.

Email proof of payment of the administrative fee to:

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