Amedeo College Policies
Amedeo College is a dynamic and stimulating environment, where we provide a holistic and balanced education of body, mind, and spirit. We educate our learners for life and are committed to also being lifelong learners ourselves, modelling best practice. We aspire to include all learners with different learning needs and from different backgrounds, cultural groups, and religions. We aim to create a learning environment that will assist learners in reaching their full potential by offering them curriculum content in various ways and ensuring their developmental needs are met.
Kindly familiarise yourself with our various policies & procedures listed below.
Please click on the Icon to activate the policy information.
Alcohol & Drug Abuse Policy
The school accepts that it has a duty to equip young people with information and knowledge about drugs, alcohol, and substance use, but insists that parents participate in a strong partnership bond with the school to minimize the potential harm to learners. Click Icon to View & Download.
Excursion Policy
School excursions form a very valuable part of the school program. They provide learners with a variety of educational experiences outside the formal classroom setting. These opportunities, which encourage learning from the wider community, enrich their learning and broaden their world view. Amedeo College therefore supports the active involvement of staff and learners to participate in well - planned off school site activities which are integrated with the learning programs. Click on the Icon to View & Download.